Enhance the Security

Tips to Enhance the Security of Your IT Outsourcing Company

The contact center environment has significantly evolved over the past years. Since omnichannel support is a new way forward, assessing the strength of your IT Outsourcing Company is more important than ever. It is easy to get caught up in meeting performance metrics and hitting service level goals and overlooking the aspect of security. This is risky! Cybercriminals are getting stealthier and so every organization is at risk of facing data breaches be it an IT outsourcing company or any other online business.

But, by Understanding how customer data and privacy could be at risk, it’s possible to strengthen the security of the call center, and data.

IT Outsourcing Company Security

Data breaches have a significant security ripple effect on contact center services and so all IT Outsourcing companies are required to abide by the compliance laws and keep customer data secure.

Consider these best practices to improve and upgrade your Outsource Company experience and enhance security:

Create Strong Quality Assurance Protocols

Agents should be prepared to ask security questions that only authorized customers can respond to over the phone. This is why it’s crucial to include inquiries that let users give answers that are both distinctive and personalized to them to ensure the safety of their data.

Ask questions that only genuine customers can answer and something that doesn’t appear on documents. For instance, ‘how long have you had this account?’. This is a question a fraudster won’t be able to answer from stolen credit cards or documents.

Maintain Transparency

Customers want organizations to be open and honest with them, and this includes explaining to them why and how they use their sensitive data and safeguard their information. Effective transparency goes beyond standard privacy declarations, and an IT support company should understandably communicate this to the customer.

Transparency increases consumer confidence, which fosters greater trust in your company. Additionally, customers are more open to sharing information if a company is invested in helping them protect their data.

Enforce Controlled Access

Not all IT Outsouring Company employees need to access every single piece of information which is why enforcing controlled access is mandatory. Cloud technology allows setting user permissions to ensure that customer information stays private and in the right hands, especially sensitive data. This security technique can reduce threats significantly.

Add Multiple Layers of Protection

Given the enormous volume of information they contain, contact centers are increasingly becoming targets of data mining, and cross-channel attacks. And, because they do not use layered protection, the preventative authentication techniques they use remain ineffective. Hence, besides encrypting customer data, it’s crucial to encrypt email communications between clients and agents using multilayer protection.

Whether you are running a call answering service care center or an IT outsourcing services company, it’s crucial to make sure you have a layered defensive system in place because no single authentication method is reliable enough to keep scammers out. Even if a hacker gets past one or two layers, it gets harder for them to go through the entire protection system.

Offer Secure Payment Options

In any omnichannel contact center, it’s imperative to combat fraud and protect customer data. When a customer calls, it’s likely they will share personal data as well as payment information. Taking personal information via the phone has to be safe. If your agents are working from a remote location, it can get difficult to verify and ensure that the phone lines are secure. Here are some ways to secure processing payments:

Pay via Text

Although while making a payment via text, a customer will still be on the phone with the agent, they will receive a unique link to complete the payment. This process will keep customer information confidential.

Pay Over IVR

Most IT outsourcing companies offering contact center solutions use the IVR feature where customers don’t have to talk to a live agent for sharing payment information. Voice recording software records their personal data securely. The IVR directs the customer to enter their payment info by typing into their phone or via voice.

Use Encryption

The sensitive data is frequently received, processed, stored, and transferred by Outsource Company. Having encryption adds an extra layer of security. Through encryption, malicious actors are stopped and the readable data is converted into numbers or symbols for security.

Here are the three common types of encryptions used by companies delivering outsourcing solutions:


This type of encryption involves encrypting and decrypting data using a single key.


It’s the type of encryption where an organization uses a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.


Hashing involves using an algorithm for creating a unique hash for comparing data and encrypting it.


With these simple yet effective security tips, whether it’s a call center or an IT outsourcing company, both will be able to deliver superior customer experience and ensure the security of customer data. Make sure your IT team keeps reviewing the security processes in place to look for internal and external threats and fortify your contact center’s security.